Playing Around Pays Off

Because my back injury had been acting up, I recently decided to “take a break from powerlifting”. This hasn’t actually been a break, more just… a little time away from heavy lifting. After two weeks of avoiding heavy work, focusing on speed, working on technique, and trying to remember how to do double-unders — My body felt amazing! I wasn’t achy and tense all the time. My back didn’t hurt. I felt…. light…. and tall. It was weird — and great!! I will say however, the amount of pent up energy within me got a little overwhelming. I wanted to run instead of walk, I couldn’t WAIT for my CrossFit classes, I WANTED TO PICK UP HEAVY THINGS AGAIN!

Upon noticing that this is how I was feeling, I decided to cancel my CrossFit class on Saturday and do some heavy volume work instead. I FELT SO STRONG! It is absolutely amazing what a bit of time away from heavy work did for me. Never before has heavy volume felt so easy!

My eyes have definitely been opened to training with a bit more variation, speed, explosive power, and agility. Also, to giving myself a bit of time to recover. I know I need to do this more, but it’s hard to see the forest through the trees sometimes.

I am so happy with how great this workout felt that I think I am going to try this again. Planning to do a bench session tomorrow (since I haven’t done one in a while) and then, I will go back to doing some CrossFit/speed/technique work for a couple weeks. Then, once I feel like my head will explode if I don’t do some heavy lifting… I’ll hit a heavy day again.

I’m looking forward to see how this un-programmed programming goes.


I also got to hang out with my sister this weekend! Woo!!

Lifting Log for Saturday:

45# x 5
95# x 5
135# x 3
155# x 3
185# x 8
185# x 8
185# x 8
all of this felt insanely easy. I could feel the sets of 8 in my heart, but my muscles felt ready to kick ass the entire time.

135# x  5
185# x 3
225# x 1
250# x 5 (pr!) I probably had 7 or 8 here today. The most I have ever done 250# for is 2, I believe.

Deficit Deadlifts:
225# x 3 from 3 inches

a zillion singles over the course of a couple hours while coaching

Walking Lunges:
24kg – 10 steps each leg

My diet has been dog shit the past couple days. I had family in town and I just haven’t been that motivated to eat well. I’m sure my motivation will come back soon.

Whole Life Challenge Update

Hey all, not much going on today, just writing a little post with what’s been going on with me lately.

I’ve been participating in the Whole Life Challenge with my family and co-workers for the past week. It’s going really well! I am in 3rd place for points within my team —  getting beat by my sister-in-laws, Becky and Karen. I am beating my entire office, however, but my good friend/co-worker Lena is giving me a run for my money.

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I would be doing better if the challenge didn’t start the same day as the GORUCK challenge (I ate cliff bars to survive the 12 hours, so I lost points). Also, I’d be doing better if I could resist my husband’s home made sourdough, bacon, and corned beef. Oh well. I signed up for the challenge RX, so that means no sugars/processed foods AT ALL. Choosing my sacrifices wisely here 😉

A couple of missed points assice, I am really enjoying the challenge.  I really respect how it’s designed to help participants incorporate small changes  to their life every day. I love that it’s based around slowly making life more healthful overall. I am an avid believer that being a healthy individual doesn’t take a lot of time or money, just a little patience, persistence, and consistency. The Whole Life Challenge makes mobilizing and working out every day feel totally possible — it only takes 10 minutes of each to get your points!  I have been so much more reliable with my active recovery, my mobilization, and my cardio because of setting these small achievable goals rather than big annoying feats. Really enjoying everything about it so far, and I feel like all the small changes are making me feel/perform better physically and mentally.

Today, for example, (a rest day from lifting) I went for a light 10 minute jog with my dog. I mobilized. I took my fish oil. I drank 75oz of water. and I had an amazing steak & salad for lunch! This is much better for me than my usual “couch + chimichanga” rest-day routine… MUCH BETTER.

With all this attention to nutrition/hydration/mobility/rest… my body and my mood have been feeling completely amazing (weirdly, I’m on my period too… which makes my good mood extra impressive)!! Anyway, I’m totally ready to kick some ass in the gym tomorrow.

P.S. Hope ya’ll have been enjoying the posts from my other blogs. It’s been nice to re-read all of those interviews.

Food Log:

Breakfast: 3 eggs, butter, spices.

Lunch: 8oz Rib Eye, Greens, arugula, apples, lemon juice.

Snack: banana & blueberries

Dinner: Chicken & veggie soup